Saturday, October 3, 2009


Last month we went to Vernal to see the Dinosaur museum. I remember going there when I was 14 my Uncle Steve and Aunt Colleen took me there it was so much fun, my favorite thing was the wully mammoth, so when my dad asked if we wanted to go up there before Logan started school of course I said yes because I have always wanted to go back there (it was like the little kid inside of me coming out again). Joey wasn't feeling very good but he was a trooper, Logan had a lot of fun, he keeps on asking me when we are going to go back. We also drove up to Colorado and went through there dinosaur park, I don't remember the name of it but it was a national park, My mom and I talked my dad into driving through some of it because there was a cool rock that was shaped out of a turtle that we wanted to see. When we got back to Fruitland all Logan wanted to do was dig for dinosaurs, so he found my dads shovel and started digging in the dirt. It was so cute:)

Rock shaped like a turtle

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Logans Ice age birthday

So for Logans birthday which was almost a month ago, yeah I know im kind of slacking, my sister in-law Natalie asked me the other day when I was going to update it so I finally decided its probably about time. So back to Logans birthday party- He wanted to have a Ice Age birthday party so we made him a birthday cake which was fun because all of us got involved in making it, we invited the family over and some of Logans friends from the neighborhood. They played some dinosaur games (he loves dinosaurs) the kids went digging for dinosaurs, opened his presents and had a barbeque. We also Sang Happy birtday to his Grandpa Steve because we celebrated Logans birthday on his birthday.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Day at the zoo

I have seriously been slacking on our blog, but I promise I will try to do better to keep people updated on whats going on with us. So last month was my birthday, we decided to go to the zoo because we have been talking about going since we didn't make it to the zoo last year. We had lots of fun, we watched a elephant show, played on the playground, and of course visited all the animals. Than we went out to eat afterwards. Italian of course because thats my favorite.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dinosaur Museum

So we were finally able to take Joey to the dinosaur museum, we had a lot of fun Logan was anxious to get to the end where he gets to dig up dinosaurs but he waited patiently while we walked through the rest of the museum. Logan loves the museum and wishes he could go there every week, every time he comes home from the museum he is already wanting to go back. Joey thought it was long but he enjoyed it. I liked it because I was able to spend time with my wonderful family, and my favorite part is the big shark.

I would hate to run into this if it were alive.

Logan is trying to attack the dinosaur